Catching up with the Morgans…

*I started this several weeks ago and forgot to post it.  Some of it is outdated because Jackson is definitely walking now! 

Well since it feels like years since my last post, I thought it’d be good to do a catch-up post because we’ve had such a busy spring.

In March, I went on a lovely girl’s getaway weekend with my mother and sister-in-law’s.  Now while some might shudder at spending the weekend alone with their in-laws, I LOVE “Morgan girl” weekend and so enjoy spending time with my family-through-marriage of almost 5 years now.  Of course, it didn’t hurt that we were at an amazing retreat center  in Georgia with a view of the Blue Ridge mountains.  Or that we did yoga everyday, ate gourmet food for every meal, had two spa treatments and spent time in a whirlpool tub several times a day.  What can I say?  The Morgan women are not only good company but have very good ideas about how to spend a weekend.

A few weeks later, Jason and I left the boys with their Grandma (thank you Grandma Wanda!!) and had our first weekend away since Jacob was born.  We flew into Oakland, CA and spent a few wonderful days in Petaluma (Sonoma County).  My favorite part was exploring Point Reyes National Seashore for hours–culminating with a sunset hike up a beautiful and steep seaside cliff overlooking a lighthouse and the crashing ocean.  The scenery was breathtaking and my heart was so saturated in beauty, that I felt exhilarated for days.  My sisters joined us for this little adventure and it was truly one of my favorite days of my life.

We left Petaluma and headed down to Bakersfield, CA for the wedding of our dear friends Kyle and Maria Tenery.  We celebrated Kyle and Maria’s beautiful marriage with tacos, dancing and lot’s of good conversations.  The fun went late into the night and ended with a trip to In and Out.

The photos for the Tenery wedding were taken by my talented and creative husband, Jason Morgan.  This spring, he has been making steps to build a photography business.  He did an amazing job on the Tenery wedding and has another wedding scheduled in June.  He’s also been doing family shoots and engagement photos.  His website is not quite up and running but you can always check his work out on Facebook.  Sorry, I gotta give a plug for the hubs.

On May 7th, Jackson turned one years old and we had a fun backyard birthday party to celebrate our sweet Jack-Jack.  He is so dear to our hearts and is a constant source of joy to our family.  Jacob and Jackson are best buddies, and even though Jack isn’t walking yet, they already have lively wrestling matches.

Then last week, we were blessed with a visit from my Mom who bought me hanging plants and gave me a morning away so I could go to the prayer room by myself.  We had good conversations and I am so grateful that I have such a discerning and wise mother.  She is wise but she is also childlike and the boys LOVE her.  She gets down on the floor with them and sings them songs all the time.  She is a great Mimi!  We love and miss you, Mom.  Can’t wait to spend time at your house this summer!

Also, this spring we’ve seen a lot of growth in our relationships with several families in the area.  These friendships have helped to create a sense of community that we haven’t felt before in Kansas City.  This has meant lots of fun activities and the feeling that we are not alone in the world.  Which is nice.

In other news, our jobs are going well and I am looking forward to a second year at CAPA.  I look forward to applying all that I’ve learned to the coming year. Jason–while not necessarily loving his job–is good at what he does!  This year he has found around 1.6million dollars in others’ mistakes just by being thorough and detailed in his work.

Jacob is starting pre-school in the fall and Jackson will soon be walking and talking.  Jason and I will have our 5 year anniversary in August. 

Life is literally flying by.

4 thoughts on “Catching up with the Morgans…

  1. I feel like you started this earlier and then finished it recently cause Jack is definitely walking!! 😀

    Love sharing life with you and your family…. looking forward to more memories and life flies by!

  2. Dear Melody,
    It is such a joy and blessing to have you for a daughter-in-law! My heart feels filled with a deep sense of gratefulness for your kind, gentle, caring and very competent ways with your family. Your true heart and how you have revealed it in your “Moments” messages is a real ministry. …and what a package deal! Two brilliant little boys!

  3. I loved reading this post, Melly!…I feel as if I’m reading a novel. Can’t wait for the day that I get to read a real novel of yours! Also, I feel the exact same way about our day at Point Reyes, there was something (or many things) magical about that day. Love you so, Robby.

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